We all have the power to manifest wondrous moments in our lives. We also can add to the ‘shaking’ going on. Truth––when we hold on to negative thoughts daily, we attract more and more of them. Mindset is a powerful tool used wisely; it lends itself to being a flotation device amidst turbulence. We also can add to the ‘shaking’ going on.
Truth––when we hold on to negative thoughts daily, we attract more and more of them. Mindset is a powerful tool used wisely; it lends itself to being a flotation device amidst turbulence.
Finding ways to balance your days is essential.
The times we live in can be intense. Additionally, the need to acknowledge the reality of what is happening to you and your loved one, painful as it may be, is an added stressor. Finding ways to balance your days has become essential.
It is of the utmost importance that, especially given the times we are in, practicing kindness (this includes yourself) is important.
What we think we become, and if you are beating yourself up, doubting your abilities amidst everything else, you will be in a downward spiral.
One of the most challenging things is consistently treating ourselves with the loving care we need to be mentally and physically healthy.
When the energy of life makes your insides rattle, it’s time to find a way out.
Walking is terrific therapy and can inspire you to open yourself up to possibilities. Pay attention to nature, pause, and enjoy the fall colors, fresh air, and quiet pace in the early morning—a simple, inexpensive way to push the reset button. There are things you can do throughout your days as well, and sometimes overlooked.
Refine the ways you exchange information:
Snapping out a reply is not always the best choice, but it happens when you’ve been worn so thin you feel like you can’t think straight.
Take a deep breath before you react to situations. Pause and think about saying what you genuinely mean instead of reacting out of anger or hurt. Walk away – even for a short moment.
If there is any space for doubt, and you hear yourself assuming what someone means – PAUSE. “What I think I heard you say…..” can be a better reply than attacking or coming across as sharp.
Fact – you cannot change or fix everything, but you can bring an awareness of positivity into everything that you do. Viruses are contagious, and so too is happiness. Be the ripple effect of positive change and watch the magic happen.
Cyndi Mariner
Breathing Spaces