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Mindful, Balanced Living is Obtainable

When someone tells you to 'breathe,' is your response, "Oh really? Do you have any idea of what's going on in my life? I love my job and family, but the kids are just out for summer, and Mom's health is declining. I haven't had time to clean the back room for Aunt Marge’s visit and still need to update my financial documents. I need my oil changed and get my annual physical set up. Breathe? When?!!?"

My to-do list may not include everything I've just written about, but trust me, it's equally full of "weight." I had a choice this morning to sleep in a bit or awake predawn when my eyes fluttered open—another option was to pick up my iPad and begin the trawl through emails or perhaps social media. Instead, I opened all my windows and doors and sat quietly, listening to the birds chirping and letting my consciousness be in the moment.

The difference is in the power of this moment and your decision to carve out time for peace when you can. Call it an energetic grounding cord that aligns you with an inner peace you can tap into during your day.

Set your intention throughout the day to pay attention. When events start to rattle you, pause ever so briefly. Then pull your attention back into that early morning of grounding and peace.

Tips to help to create balance:

  • Journal – writing feelings down gives you a place for revisiting at a later date or simply just releasing what is swirling in your mind.

  • Wake up early – even 15 minutes of quiet without electronics will impact your day.

  • Walk – without headphones allowing your attention to wander upon the moments surrounding you.

  • Gratitude – throughout your day, give thanks for the minor things that go your way creating a wave of positive energy.

  • Breathe – a simple deep breath can change the energy of a moment.

Create a practice of honoring yourself. Find something that works for you and open a path of self-compassion. Repeat over and over, and you'll be able to experience a wave of positive change. We are all we have at the end of the day. Be kind to yourself.

Tomorrow is not promised for any of us. What we do with today is one of the most important decisions we make upon rising in the morning.


Cyndi Mariner

Breathing Space



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